Privacy Notice for the Homeless Services Network (HSN) of Central Florida

Brief Summary

January 1, 2011

This brief notice describes the privacy policy of Homeless Services Network of Central Florida. We may change or add to this policy at any time. We collect personal information only when appropriate. We may use or disclose your information to provide you with services. We may also use or disclose it to comply with legal and other obligations to funders. We assume that you agree to allow us to collect information and to use or disclose it as described in this notice. You may request a copy of your personal information that we maintain. You may ask us for an accounting of how your information has been disclosed. You may also ask us to correct inaccurate or incomplete information. You may ask us about our privacy policy or practices. We respond to questions and complaints. Please read the full privacy notice for more details. Anyone can have a copy of the full notice upon request.

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