Why Join HMIS?

  For the Client

  • Improved coordination of care and services
  • Improved knowledge about services and beds available
  • Reduced duplication of information
  • Protection of client confidentiality

 For the Provider Who Participates in HMIS

  • Automated reporting
  • Reduction in number of reports produced
  • Improved internal and external data
  • Improved ability to serve clients
  • Automated information for management and case managers
  • Improved client tracking
  • Potential to streamline referral processes
  • Potential for strengthened partnerships through participation
  • Meet HUD reporting requirements

 For the Continuum of Care (CoC)

  • Improved information about system and system needs for funding, decision-making and policy
  • Improved information for the Continuum of Care Exhibit 1 application to HUD and other funding applications
  • Improved ability to identify and quantify gaps in the system
  • Credibility
  • Potential for strengthened partnership among components of the community system

 For HUD and Other Funders 

  • Improved information about system and system needs for funding, decision-making and policy

 For the General Community

  • Better information about people who are experiencing homelessness: causes, trends and future needs will help the general community to better plan for affordable housing and support for people who are at-risk of becoming or returning to homelessness
  • Better information about housing and support needs will enable interested parties to better market these needs to potential funders and policy–makers.

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